For suspected imitation or counterfeit products, kindly contact us through our local hotline (02) 8932-7555 local 141 or click the Inquiry Tab on the Contact Us section for any product-related questions and concerns. You can also send us an email of your concern together with the photo of the product at
For any questions or inquiries about our products, you can visit the product section in our website.
If you are a healthcare professional or a consumer looking for medical information, please send your questions through the Contact Us page. You can also give us a call at our hotline: (02) 8932-7555 local 141 or send us an email at
If you are a healthcare professional or a consumer looking for medical information, please send your questions through the Contact Us page. You can also give us a call at our hotline: (02) 8932-7555 local 141 or send us an email at
Visit our Career Page to see the full list of job vacancies you can apply for!
I have a question regarding the Diamond Laboratories Inc. Data Privacy Policy. Who should I contact?
We take the protection of your privacy and your private data very seriously. We collect, store and use your personal data only in accordance with the content of this data privacy statement and the applicable data protection regulations.
If you have further questions about our data privacy policy, our Data Privacy Officer is always at your service! You can send an email to
If you have further questions about our data privacy policy, our Data Privacy Officer is always at your service! You can send an email to
We use the personal information you provide to complete your request for information, products, or services. In case we ask for additional information, rest assured that we will ask for your general consent. Afterward, you will receive a notice stating the company’s full use of your information.
As we continue to provide you with an interactive experience – our website will be personalized based on your needs.
As we continue to provide you with an interactive experience – our website will be personalized based on your needs.
You can formally request all Material Safety Data Sheets from Diamond Laboratories Inc.’s Quality Assurance Department through email. Please indicate your company name, company address, contact details, and purpose. You can address your email to